Friday, September 14, 2007

What is God?

God is the creator of all people, earth and even the whole space! He is more then perfect.He can heal any dangereus sickness. God is protecting us now. He is giving one and only son, Jesus. God is now in heaven , looking at us. I belive in him because he is the almighty God and I am thankful for creating the earth and all the people. We can talk to him by praying from your heart not only when sombody ask you too. This is my belief to God.


Jane Ross said...
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Jane Ross said...

Hi Hansen, You have made a good effort but you have some errors. I have copied and pasted so that you can see how you should have written this piece. 7/10
God is the creator of all people, earth and even the whole of outer space! He is more then perfect. He can heal any dangerous sickness. God is protecting us now. He is giving his one and only son, Jesus. God is now in heaven, looking at us. I believe in him because he is the almighty God and I am thankful to him for creating our earth and all the people. We can talk to him by praying from our heart any time and not only when somebody asks you to. This is my belief about God.